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Therapy For Sexuality and Sexual Identity

sex therapy treatment specialisms Mar 21, 2024
Hand making love heart symbol with rainbow background

Sexuality and Sexual Identity


When To Seek Help

It can be so tough to work out who we are and who we love in our judgemental and superficial world. Sadly, mental health problems, such as depression or self-harm, are more common among people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse (LGBTQIA+).

Individual therapy can be used to help you explore your unique and evolving relationship with your gender and sexuality, as well as related euphoria and dysphoria. 

We are lucky to live in a time when the LGBTQIA+ community is growing and, in many places, is increasingly safe to belong to and take pride in. This hasn’t always been true and can still be risky for some people in some communities and locations.

Together, we can help you explore what feels right to you, which labels you want to self-apply, if any, and how you want this to impact your relationships. You are the expert on you and you get to choose what feels best for you. We can also help you find practical and enjoyable solutions to trans and gender non-conforming sexual challenges. 


How It Can Help

 In general, therapy is meant to be a safe space where you are free to express yourself and your feelings with no judgment. By having a therapist that is in your corner and can relate to the experiences you are going through, it is more likely to help with your healing, development, and have positive results.

In therapy, we can help you work out what is true for you, which can be especially hard to do if you’ve felt unhappy with or ashamed of your sexuality and body up until now. Socialised shame, internalised homophobia, rejection, and marginalisation can be difficult to unpick to reach our inner most feelings and desires. We can also affirm and celebrate what you learn about yourself, so you can feel proud of yourself and embrace your sexuality.

While you are most welcome to explore any internalised homophobia or transphobia, general homophobic, gender critical, and transphobic rhetoric will not be tolerated.  

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