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Kink & BDSM-Affirming Therapy

sex therapy treatment specialisms Mar 21, 2024

Kink & BDSM-Affirming Therapy


Kink, Fetishes & BDSM

Kink is becoming increasingly mainstream, with more and more people getting into the lifestyle and sex practices including domination, bondage, and sadomasochism. Thankfully, it’s also becoming less socially taboo and more talked about. 

Fetishes typically involve an object or activity that someone finds arousing that other people wouldn’t, such as wearing latex or being furniture. While there is nothing wrong with having a fetish, some people come to therapy as they feel it’s preventing them from having as wide a variety of sexually pleasurable experiences as they would like.

You are welcome to bring any kinks and fetishes to our work together without shame or judgement. However, I don’t work with zoophilia (animals), pedophilia/hebephilia (children & teens), or necrophilia (dead people or animals).


For people in partnerships who haven’t yet tried kink, it can revive a tired or stale relationship, as it brings back exploration, creativity, fun, and adventure. BDSM can be a powerful prescription in relationships that involve a power struggle, as each partner can play out their inner feelings in a form of psychodrama.

If you’re already into kink, you may be looking to upskill your capacity to create a satisfying scene, or learn to better hold emotional and psychological space for others. We can also explore how to have healthy consensual non-consensual play.

Many people who are queer or neuroqueer find kink a pivotal part of their journey in understanding their sexuality and sexual identity. Some things we can only learn through doing and experiencing rather than talking and thinking about.


Where Do I Begin?

If you’d like to try something new in the bedroom, you can ask your partner if they want to explore a new activity, such as trying some light spanking or restraints. 

I would recommend some professional support, such as working with a kinky sex therapist. There are many excellent kinky sex therapists and coaches. You can check out the KAP register to see if there’s someone local to you.

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